Mingu Kim


Min-gu received the BS and MS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, in Feb. 2008 and Feb. 2010, respectively. After working in the Power & Industrial Systems R&D Center of Hyosung Corporation, Korea, from 2010 to 2014, he is currently working towads his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the iSenSys group under the direction of Dr. Oliver Brand.

Research Interests

  • All-soft, skin-like electronics: soft materials, fabrication, mechanics, and e-skin/biomedical applications
  • Multifunctional, organic, and 2D materials for microelectronics, MEMS, and NEMS applications
  • Micro/nanofluidics for biochemical sensing, heat transfer and energy conversion

Work Experience

  • Graduate Research Assistant-Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014-Present
  • Senior Researcher, Power & Industrial Systems R&D Center, HYOSUNG Corporation, Anyang, Korea, 2010-2014
  • Undergraduate/Graduate Research Assistant, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2006-2010


  1. M. Kim, H. Alrowais, O. Brand, “All-soft physical and chemical microsystems based on liquid metal for wearable electronics applications”, The 30th international conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2017), Las Vegas, USA, Jan, (2017).
  2. M. Kim, H. Alrowais, S. Pavlidis, O. Brand, “Size-scalable and high-density liquid metal-based soft electronic passive components and circuits using soft lithography”,
    Advanced Functional Materials, doi: 10.1002/adfm.201604466
  3. M. Kim, H. Alrowais, C. Kim, O. Brand, “All-soft sensing platform based on liquid metal for liquid- and gas-phase VOC detection”, IEEE Sensors Conference (IEEE Sensors 2016), Orlando, USA, Oct-Nov, 76-78 (2016). – Best Oral Student Paper Award (3rd Place)
  4. C. Kim, S. Pavlidis, M. Kim, H. Chen, O. Brand, “Room Temperature CO2 Detection Using Interdigitated Capacitors with Heteropolysiloxane Sensing Films”, IEEE Sensors Conference (IEEE Sensors 2016), Orlando, USA, Oct-Nov, 190-192 (2016).
  5. M. Kim, H. Alrowais, S. Pavlidis, O. Brand, “Scalable liquid metal thin line patterning for passive electronic components using soft lithography”, The 16th Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2016), Hilton Head, USA, Jun, 62-63 (2016).
  6. H. Alrowais, P. Getz, M. Kim, J. Su, O. Brand, “Bio-inspired fluidic thermal angular accelerometer”, The 29th international conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2016), Shanghai, China, Jan, 837-840 (2016).
  7. D.-H. Kang, M. Kim, H.-K. Seo, Y.-J. Kim, “An anti-adhesion technique in microfluidic channel using dielectrophoresis for particle processing microfluidic chip applications”, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 11, 1524-1534 (2015).
  8. M. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, C. W. Park, H.-L. Kim, D.-H. Kang, J. Hwang, Y.-J. Kim, “An integrated miccrochannel with continuous electrodynamic anti-adhesion capability for particle loss reduction in air-based microfluidic chips”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27, 2517-2530 (2013).
  9. M. Kim, S. Cho, J.-K. Kim, “Prediction and evaluation of the cooling performance of radiators used in oil-filled power transformer applications with non-direct and direct-oil-forced flow”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 44, 392-397 (2013).
  10. M. Kim, T.-W. Park, D. Hong, J.-K. Kim, “Optimal Thermal Management with Oil-forced Flow and Air-forced Flow for Power Transformer Applications”, Joint Colloquium of Cigré SC A2/C4 (CIGRE), Zurich, Switzerland, Sep, id101 (2013).
  11. T.-W. Park, S.-H. Lee, M. Kim, J.-K. Kim, “Analysis of Thermal Ageing Characteristics of Alternative Dielectric Fluids used in Transformer Applications with ON Cooling Condition”, Joint Colloquium of Cigré SC A2/C4 (CIGRE), Zurich, Switzerland, Sep, id102 (2013).
  12. H.-L. Kim, M. Kim, C. Lee, J. Lee, Y.-J. Kim, “Miniaturized one-point detectable electrocardiography sensor for portable physiological monitoring systems”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 12, 2423-2424 (2012).
  13. Y.-H. Choi, M. Kim, D.-H. Kang, J. Sim, J. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, “An electrodynamic preconcentrator integrated thermoelectric biosensor chip for continuous monitoring of biochemical process”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22, 045022 (2012).
  14. Y.-H. Choi, D.-H. Kang, S.-i. Yoon, M. Kim, J. Sim, J. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, “An electrodynamic preconcentrator-integrated thermoelectric biosensor chip for continuous monitoring”, The 24th international conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2011), Cancun, Mexico, Jan, 837-840 (2011).
  15. D.-H. Kang, M. Kim, H.-K. Seo, Y.-J. Kim, “An anti-adhesion technique in microfluidic channel based on dielectrophoresis”, The 5th international conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE NANOMED 2011), Jeju, Korea, Nov, IP4-02 (2011).
  16. D.-H. Kang, M. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, “Particle loss reduction technique using dielectrophoresis in microfluidic channel”, Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 20, 357-362 (2011).
  17. M. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, H.-L. Kim, C. W. Park, Y. Joe, J. Hwang, Y.-J. Kim, “Wall loss reduction technique using an electrodynamic disturbance for airborne particle processing chip applications”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, 035034 (2010).
  18. M. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, C. W. Park, Y. Joe, J. Hwang, Y.-J. Kim, “Electrodynamic wall loss reduction for airborne particle processing”, The 13th international conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μ TAS 2009), Jeju, Korea, Nov, 1928-1930 (2009).
  19. M. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, C. W. Park, J. Hwang, Y.-J. Kim, “An anti-adhesion technique reducing particle-loss using electrodynamic disturbance for aerodynamic chip”, The 15th international conference on Solid-state Sensors, Actuators & Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2009), Denver, USA, Jun, 405-408 (2009).

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