
The Integrated Sensor Systems Laboratory was founded in 2003 and is led by Prof. Oliver Brand. It is part of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Our research activities span the areas of integrated microsensors and microsensor arrays for physical, chemical and biological measurands. We leverage a number of technologies to do so: from resonant microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) to thin film transistors. We possess expertise in CMOS-compatible fabrication, low-temperature thin film deposition for flexible electronics, microsystem packaging, integrated circuit design and device characterization. Below are examples of past and current projects that our group has been involved with:

Resonant CantileversDiskResonator_Truax_AnalChem

Bio-Inspired MEMStest1 InGaZnO Thin Film TransistorsTFT-Sensors

Hybrid Chemo-Resistors/Capacitors


Integrated Circuit (IC) Design
